Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy took aim at Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader N. Chandrababu Naidu, alleging a pattern of deceit and betrayal throughout Naidu’s political career. Addressing crowds at rallies in Prakasam and YSR Kadapa districts, Jagan positioned the upcoming elections as a choice between the disadvantaged and Naidu’s alleged betrayals, urging voters to support the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) for the continuation of welfare schemes. Jagan criticized Naidu’s governance record, citing low job creation and unfulfilled promises to farmers, while highlighting his own administration’s accomplishments in job creation and social welfare initiatives.
Jagan questioned Naidu’s credibility and mocked his portrayal as a development icon, suggesting it was based on dubious claims. He contrasted Naidu’s purported lack of achievement with his own government’s track record of substantial job creation and implementation of welfare programs. Jagan also accused Naidu of neglecting farmers’ interests and failing to deliver on promised benefits, further undermining his credibility and political standing.
The Chief Minister showcased his administration’s achievements, including the establishment of various public service centers and initiatives aimed at rural development and self-employment. He emphasized the YSRCP’s commitment to empowering marginalized communities through schemes like Rythu Bharosa, Cheyutha, and Kapu Nestham, while accusing Naidu and his allies of reacting negatively to his government’s proactive measures and scrutiny of their policies.
LIVE : CM Jagan Public Meeting in Tanguturu
Wednesday, January 22, 2025