TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu is currently touring North Andhra. This evening, a Prajagalam Sabha was convened at Rajam in Vizianagaram district. In his address to the gathering, he highlighted the role of his wife, Nara Bhuvaneswari, during challenging times. Chandrababu commended Bhuvaneswari for her steadfast support, particularly during his imprisonment, emphasizing her commitment to seeking justice alongside him.
Expressing gratitude to those who stood by his family during difficult times, Chandrababu acknowledged the sacrifices made on their behalf. He reflected on the hardships endured by his family, notably his wife’s steadfastness despite facing criticism and challenges. Despite being the daughter of N.T. Rama Rao and the wife of a Chief Minister for a combined period of fourteen years, Bhuvaneswari rarely ventured outside the home, yet faced unwarranted scrutiny in the Assembly.
Chandrababu revealed the personal anguish he experienced during his arrest, prompting him to embark on a six-month yatra to seek truth and justice for the state. He recounted the tragic toll his troubles took, with 203 individuals succumbing to despair, and the outpouring of support from rallies across 80 countries. In solidarity with those affected, Bhuvaneswari also extended financial assistance to 203 families, a gesture Chandrababu deeply appreciates.
Additionally, Chandrababu outlined efforts by the NTR Trust to support the education of children from families affected by adversity, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance. He reiterated his commitment to stand by those who have sacrificed for his family, emphasizing that their struggles are shared by the entire state.
LIVE : Chandrababu’s Praja Galam Public Meeting in Rajam
Wednesday, January 22, 2025