TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu attended a Prajagalam meeting in Penamaluru, Krishna district, where he took aim at CM Jagan, mocking him for recent events. Naidu alleged that even as Jagan traveled on the national highway, trees were felled in his path, quipping, “If Jagan is coming, first the axe will come, then Jagan.” He derided Jagan’s popularity, suggesting it had waned and likening it to a broken fan tossed aside. Naidu taunted Jagan, suggesting that people would reject him and his party, relegating them to obscurity.
He criticized the continued presence of certain officials, implying that despite Jagan’s tenure as chief minister, little change had occurred. He insinuated that Jagan’s time in office was limited and compared him to an expired drug, lacking the power to influence anymore. Naidu accused Jagan of being accompanied not by supporters but by the bodies of pensioners, insinuating political exploitation.
The rhetoric intensified as Chandrababu Naidu accused Jagan of engaging in “corpse politics,” referencing the alleged exploitation of deceased individuals for political gain. He rallied the constituents of Penamaluru to reject Jagan, suggesting his time in office was nearing its end.
LIVE : Chandrababu Addresses Public Meeting in Penamalur
Wednesday, January 22, 2025