Telugu Desam Party spokesperson Buddha Venkanna made several remarks at a press conference in Vijayawada on Friday. He suggested that Chandrababu Naidu should promote Nara Lokesh, the current national general secretary of the party, to the position of state president. Venkanna emphasized that this is not just their request but a growing demand within the party.
He highlighted Lokesh’s dedication, mentioning his 3,132 km walk for the party and his decision to pause the padayatra to support the party during Naidu’s imprisonment by traveling to Delhi and meeting with lawyers. Venkanna expressed confidence in Lokesh’s ability to lead and save the party. Despite Naidu’s willingness to hand over the party reins to Lokesh, Venkanna noted that caste and religion considerations might influence the decision. However, he stressed that BCs, SCs, STs, and minorities are all supportive of Naidu. “We are demanding Chandrababu to appoint Lokesh as the state president, and we are requesting Lokesh to accept this role,” Venkanna said.
LIVE: Buddha Venkanna Calls for Nara Lokesh to Be State President”
Sunday, January 26, 2025