In what could be labelled as the biggest combination in Kollywood, Thalapathy Vijay joined forces with hotshot director Lokesh Kanagaraj for a fully-loaded commercial potboiler titled Leo. The first look poster of Leo is out today at midnight on the eve of Vijay’s birthday and it took the internet by storm despite not breaking the mould. The caption ‘In the world of untamed rivers, calm waters either become divine gods or dreaded demons’ hints that the film will be a revenge drama with a ‘good vs bad’ theme.
The powerful first-look poster presents Vijay in a ruthless avatar as he wields a sledgehammer in a bloody setting. Vijay seems to be on a rampage while taking down his opponents in a gory action episode. Though there is nothing great in this poster to rave about, Vijay’s ferocious look has received a thumping response from his wide fanbase as it started trending all over social media ever since it was unveiled by the makers. The first single ‘Naa Ready’ will be out later today as a birthday treat.
The heady combination of Vijay and Lokesh is creating ripples among trade circles. The film is touted to be a part of the much-hyped Lokesh Kanagaraj Cinematic Universe. The regular shooting commenced a few months ago and the team has already wrapped up a couple of hectic schedules in Chennai and Kashmir.
Leo stars Trisha Krishnan as the female lead. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is the prime antagonist in this much-anticipated film. Anirudh Ravichander is the music composer and the first single is expected to be a fast-paced and foot-tapping number.
Seven Screen Studio is bankrolling the film and it will hit the screens on October 19th.
‘Leo’ First Look – Vijay’s ruthless avatar in a bloody setting
Wednesday, January 22, 2025