Former IT Minister of Telangana K.T. Rama Rao is under the probe of the ACB and Enforcement Directorate (ED) for a Formula E scam. According to the allegations, KTR allowed a dubious transaction of Rs 55 crore by violating the regulatory directives.
Today, KTR appeared at the ACB office in Hyderabad with his legal team, but was denied entry as the authorities insisted that he attend the questioning without legal representation. Shortly after, the ACB issued a second summons, demanding KTR’s presence for further investigation on January 9. The notice also stipulated that KTR come alone, without his lawyers or corporate team.
There were claims that the authorities had conducted a search operation at KTR’s residence, which is yet to be confirmed. Under the increasing pressure, KTR has expressed his unwillingness to cooperate without his legal team, while the ACB has maintained its stance of proceeding with the investigation.
The situation remains fluid, and it’s unclear how this high-stakes legal battle will unfold.