When Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and YSRCP president YS Jagan Mohan Reddy sought permission from the CBI court in Hyderabad to travel abroad after polling on May 13th, the Telugu Desam Party cadre alleged that he is fleeing away in fear of defeat. TDP supporters and its leaders started a narrative that Jagan won’t return to the state as he is sensing an embarrassing defeat in the assembly elections. Despite all the negative propaganda, Jagan embarked on a two week trip with his family on May 17th. He was accompanied by his wife Bharathi and two daughters who are pursuing higher studies in abroad.
After chilling out in Europe for two weeks, Jagan Mohan Reddy returned to Vijayawada in the wee hours of Saturday. He was greeted by a host of leaders like Vijay Sai Reddy, Kottu Satyanarayana, Nandigam Suresh, Merugu Nagarjuna, Karumuri Nageswar Rao, Vallabaneni Vamshi, Jogi Ramesh, Vellampalli Srinivas etc. Huge number of supporters gathered at the Gannavaram airport to welcome Jagan Mohan Reddy and his wife.
After coming out of the airport, Jagan met his MLAs and MPs who came to welcome him. He then immediately headed to his residence in Tadepalli. Jagan is likely to meet some of the key party leaders and advisors later today. Before traveling abroad, Jagan went to IPAC office in Vijayawada and exuded confidence that the YSRCP will retain power with a resounding mandate in the recently concluded assembly elections. This announcement gave a big boost to the cadre.
Meanwhile, exit polls are likely to be out today evening at 06:30 after the final phase of elections gets completed. The counting for both assembly and parliament elections will be held on June 4th. Massive arrangments have been made by the ECI ahead of polling results.
The YSRCP cadre feels that the welfare schemes implemented in the last five years will help Jagan edge over the NDA alliance which is poised to win more than 100 seats as per pre-poll surveys. The suspense will end in a few more days.
Jagan returns from London tour, clears air on TDP’s narrative
Tuesday, January 21, 2025