It is now officially announced that Bollywood diva Jahnvi Kapoor is going to romance RRR actor Ram Charan in his upcoming rustic sports drama which is tentatively titled RC16. On the eve of her birthday, the makers revealed this news with a beautiful poster in which she sports a traditional avatar. She appeared in a dazzling saree with an adorable smile.
Team RC16 wished her a happy birthday and welcomed her on board today morning. As per reports, Jahnvi Kapoor will be seen as a village belle in this film. This is her second project with a Tollywood hero. She is already busy shooting for NTR’s upcoming pan-India action spectacle Devara in which she plays a girl-next-door. Coincidentally, her second outing is going to be with the other RRR actor.
Despite her lean phase in Bollywood, Jahnvi Kapoor has been the toast of Tollywood because of her strong roots in the industry as her mother Sridevi was a yesteryear actress who dominated the Telugu cinema scene during the 90s. Jahnvi Kapoor is keen on making a splash in Tollywood and evinced interest in working with top stars here.
Coming to RC16, Tollywood director Buchi Babu Sana who scored a blockbuster with his debut film Uppena is wielding the megaphone. Ram Charan will appear as a Kabbadi player who hails from the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh. Jahnvi Kapoor is taking special classes to get the hang of the Telugu language for this film.
The regular shooting of RC16 will commence in a couple of months. AR Rahman is going to render the soundtrack and Kannada star Shivaraj Kumar will play a significant role in this film.
Vriddhi Cinemas and Mythri Movie Makers will jointly bankroll the film.
It’s official, Jahnvi Kapoor to romance Ram Charan
Wednesday, January 22, 2025