Narasapuram’s incumbent MP and TDP candidate for the Undi assembly seat, Raghuramakrishna Raju, shared intriguing insights during an interview with prominent journalist Jaffar. He expressed his gratitude towards Chandrababu Naidu, highlighting his unwavering support. Raju remarked on the absence of significant contributions from certain fellow MPs and MLAs, attributing his lack of a ticket renewal to political dynamics involving Jaganmaya.
When asked to compare his political role to a movie archetype, Raju likened himself to the hero, Jagan Mohan Reddy to the antagonist, and Vijaya Sai Reddy to the comic relief. He debunked the notion of Naidu being a producer, instead likening him to a pivotal character in a classic film, S.V. Ranga Rao in “Mayabazar”.
Regarding his switch from an MP to an MLA contender, Raghu Rama Raju viewed it as neither a setback nor an insult, asserting his assurance of an assembly seat. He acknowledged the mixed blessings of his outspoken nature, noting its impact on his relationship with the BJP and his political trajectory.
Reflecting on BJP’s decisions, he speculated on the influence of Jagan Mohan Reddy’s preferences over the NDA alliance. He suggested that Jagan’s opinions might have swayed BJP’s decisions concerning his candidacy.
Regarding political dynamics, Raju credited Chandrababu Naidu’s strength post-alliance formation but acknowledged lingering issues from the past affecting BJP’s decisions.
When questioned about potential criticism of Naidu and Lokesh akin to his past critiques of Jagan, Raju expressed reluctance, citing respect for Naidu’s seniority and regret over Jagan’s mistakes.
Addressing allegations of conducting a sting operation on CBI JD Lakshminarayana, Raju denied the claims, attributing his actions to aiding a friend’s son in distress.
Overall, Raju’s interview provided insights into his political journey, alliances, and personal convictions, shedding light on the complex landscape of Andhra Pradesh politics.
Interview with Raghuramakrishnam Raju : Itlu mee Jaffar
Thursday, January 23, 2025