Renowned production house ‘Mythri Movie Makers’ hosted a grand party for all winners of the National Awards this year in Tollywood. It is a known fact that Allu Arjun received the coveted Best Actor award for his stupendous performance as Pushparaj in Sukumar’s crime drama Pushpa which was produced by them.
Speaking at the event, Allu Arjun said it is Sukumar who deserves all credit for the prestigious award. Bunny said all our dedication, hard work, and efforts contribute only fifty percent to our achievement. The remaining fifty percent is because of the selfless wish of all those who support us throughout our journey. It is the energy of people around us and their wishes that make great things happen in our lives, he added.
The Pushpa actor revealed he always aspired to get a national award. But, it was Sukumar who wished more and believed in my efforts. It came through me. I am the achievement, he is the achiever, asserted Bunny to a big round of applause from all the attendees.
Talking about Sukumar’s perfection, Allu Arjun recalled a particular scene for which the director insisted on shooting for the third time to extract the best performance from him. He also lauded Sukumar’s selfless wish to bring laurels for his character and performance more than the box office numbers of Pushpa.
Devi Sri Prasad, the music composer of Pushpa, revealed that he had seen some rushes and predicted that the second part would be beyond all expectations.
Bunny and Sukumar are currently busy wrapping up the much-awaited Pushpa 2. The film is slated for release in August next year.
I am the achievement, but he is the achiever: Allu Arjun
Wednesday, January 22, 2025