Expressing concern that a ganja plant was found inside the Visakhapatnam Central Prison, Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha said that an in-depth probe into allegations of ganja supply inside the Prison is underway. She inspected the jail on Sunday and inquired about the current situation there.
She said that such a situation has arisen in Visakhapatnam Central Jail due to the mistakes of the previous government and made it clear that the government protection of prisoners is important.
She deplored that recently, cell phones were found in the jail, and that they have also inspected the places where the cell phones were found. She said that the enquiry report will be out in 10 to 15 days. The Home Minister warned that strict action will be taken against those who spoke to whom on the phone, after the investigation.
With regard to finding a ganja plant inside the prison, she made it clear that action will be taken against the responsible staff and those who failed to perform their duties properly. No one will be spared, she added.
She said that employees in Visakhapatnam Central Jail will be transferred only after the investigation is conducted, and that no one has been suspended so far. She also said that the number of staff in the jail will be increased.
The Home Minister also made it clear that those in uniformed service should not participate in gravitational programs like dharna and bandh.
The new jail superintendent Mahesh Babu said that the central jail is being cleaned. He said that technology will also be used, CCTV cameras are being installed in 1-0 days in the central jail. He said that some prisoners are being transferred from Visakhapatnam Central Jail to Rajahmundry Jail.
He wondered that there are no proper records in the jail with regard to visitors during the last five years. He said that no one can escape technology.
Meanwhile, last week Jail Superintendent Mahesh Babu inspected all the barracks in the jail. Officials revealed that they have seized three cell phones, one cell battery and two data cables after conducting checks for four days.
Four days ago, two cell phones, a battery and two data cables were found in the possession of Hemant Kumar, an accused in the kidnapping case of the family of the former MP of Visakhapatnam.