The officials have interestingly displayed the hoardings across Andhra Pradesh adding a fourth monkey to the Three Monkeys statue and asking people not to post bad posts. It has now become interesting to set up hoardings and flexi with the Fourth Monkey statue under the name “Post No Evil”.
This is part of the state government campaign to sensitize people and netizens on social media. It has recently launched a campaign advising them to not post provocative posts with morphing and booty myths. Huge hoardings and flexi have been set up in several cities urging people to use social media for good.
Officials have set up huge hoardings at Tadepalli Highway on the Vijayawada- Guntur route. Officials have also set up flex and hoardings in cities like Tirupati and Visakhapatnam, along with the capital Amaravati. The AP government has started a campaign on social media with the concept of Gandhi’s saying “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”.
Hoardings are being put up at major intersections under the slogan “Make Social Media a Positive Experience”. Officials have put up flexi banners asking people not to spread fake news and hateful and malicious posts on social media. Slogans have been printed on them to make social media a platform for good and positive things.
They have been arranged in English and Telugu so that everyone can understand them. As per Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s orders, the AP Police, which has taken the issue of malicious propaganda and defamation on social media seriously, has already registered cases against several people.
It is known that AP CM Chandrababu Naidu and Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan are serious about false propaganda on social media. Pawan Kalyan has specially raised this issue in the AP cabinet. He brought it to the attention of the Chief Minister that indecent posts are being made on social media without even leaving the audience at home.
The CM, Deputy CM and ministers discussed this and instructed the concerned officials to take strict action against the accused. To this extent, the police arrested several accused who had posted obscene posts targeting the alliance leaders and sent them to jail. It is in this context that the AP government has taken steps to create awareness on the proper use of social media.