In response to the Election Commission’s decision to transfer K V Rajendranath Reddy from the position of DGP, Harish Kumar Gupta has been appointed as the new police chief of the state. The Election Commission of India (ECI) made this announcement on Monday, appointing Harish Kumar Gupta as the New Director General of Police (DGP) of Andhra Pradesh. The EC communicated this decision to the state’s CS Jawahar Reddy.
Following the transfer of K V Rajendranath Reddy, the EC instructed the AP government to submit a list of three senior IGs for consideration. In accordance with this directive, the AP government proposed the names of Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, Harish Kumar Gupta, and Madireddy Pratap based on seniority. However, the Election Commission selected Harish Kumar Gupta as the DGP of AP from this list.
Harish Kumar Gupta, a 1992 batch IPS officer currently serving as the Home Secretary, has been directed by the EC to assume the duties of DGP immediately upon his appointment.
Harish kumar Gupta appointed as AP New DGP
Wednesday, January 22, 2025