The much-anticipated theatrical trailer for “Hanu-Man,” Telugu’s first superhero film and part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, debuted online. Directed by Prasanth Varma, the movie stars Teja Sajja and Amritha Aiyer. The storyline is set in Anjanadri, disrupted by the supervillain Vinay Rai, who aims to seize powers and control the world. Teja Sajja, endowed with Lord Hanuman’s powers, rises against the villain to uphold Dharma.
The visually stunning trailer showcases top-notch VFX and sets high expectations for the film’s release in cinemas on January 12, 2024. Notable actors, including Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and others, play pivotal roles in the production. The film, produced by K Niranjan Reddy, is presented by Smt. Gowrahari, Anudeep Dev, and Krishna Saurabh, with Chaitanya composing the music. “Hanu-Man” is set to captivate audiences in 11 languages.