Tollywood director Prashanth Varma scored a distinction in his first attempt to create a cinematic universe based on superheroes inspired by revered characters from Indian mythology. Hanuman, starring Teja Sajja in the lead role and inspired by Lord Hanuman, received an overwhelming response at the box office after its release on January 11th worldwide. The film, made on a miniscule budget, grossed over 200 Crores at the box office in ten days.
Now, the director of Hanuman made a big announcement on the eve of the auspicious Ram Lalla pran pratishtha consecration ceremony in Ayodhya. He officially announced that the next film in his universe is going to be Jai Hanuman. Without giving any hint about the backdrop of the story and other details, Varma reveals that the pre-production activities of Jai Hanuman kick-started today with the blessings of Lord Rama.
Varma took to X and posted “With gratitude for the immense love and support showered upon Hanuman from audiences across the globe, we stand at the threshold of a new journey by making a promise to ourselves! Pre-Production Begins on the auspicious day of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha”.
He posted two photos with this note. In one poster, we can see Hanuman genuflecting before lord Rama as a sign of worship. In the other poster, the director is seen seeking the blessings of Hanuman with his script book.
Reports suggest that Jai Hanuman will feature a star hero in the lead role. Teja Sajja is likely to retain his character as Hanumanthu. More details will be out in due course.
Hanuman director’s next is ‘Jai Hanuman’
Saturday, January 18, 2025