Tollywood’s maiden superhero film ‘HanuMan’, which arrived in theatres on January 12 and smashed numerous box office records in both the Telugu States and various overseas territories, crossed another big milestone this Friday. The visual extravaganza completed 50 days in 150 locations and set another huge record because having a theatrical run for more than 4 weeks is a rarity these days due to various factors like ticket hikes, OTT releases, heavy competition and new releases.
Despite all these factors, HanuMan managed to run successfully in 150 centers and this is a stupendous feat as per trade experts. HanuMan released during the Sankranti season and triumphed over other biggies to emerge as an outright winner of the festival season. It has grossed around 300 Crores till now and emerged as one of the biggest hits of all time. The stunning visual content coupled with arresting drama involving the mythological character of lord Hanuman turned out to be the USP for this film which was made on a modest budget. Teja Sajja as Hanumanthu delivered an emotional performance in this film.
Unlike most of the films, HanuMan didn’t arrive on the OTT platform a few weeks after its release. The makers have strictly adhered to the 8-week window rule and made sure that the film will release only after completing its theatrical run.
As audiences lapped up the film big-time, there is a lot of anticipation for its OTT release. Zee5 is the OTT partner for HanuMan and there is no clarity yet on when it will unspool on the digital platform. It is likely to create havoc irrespective of when it arrives on OTT.
Director Prashanth Varma took to X and posted his happiness over the blockbuster run of HanuMan. He said all these 50 days have been very memorable in his life.
The next part of the superhero franchise is titled Jai Hanuman. It will start rolling very soon.
HanuMan crosses another milestone, sets a big record
Wednesday, January 22, 2025