Superstar Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film Guntur Kaaram with director Trivikram Srinivas at the helm went on floors in October last year. But, only a minor portion of the shoot got completed till now due to frequent deferments of schedules. Moreover, another reason for the delay is that Mahesh expressed displeasure with the script and suggested making necessary changes.
After two months gap, the shooting is expected to resume this Monday. However, it has been postponed yet again. Reportedly, Trivikram is struggling to adjust the dates of all artists in tune with the schedule. Mahesh has agreed to resume shooting only if Trivikram shoots all scenes in a sequence without confusion. To do this, Trivikram should be able to get dates of other actors at a time which is a very difficult task.
According to reliable sources, Trivikram is currently busy sorting out the dates of all actors who are going to shoot in this schedule. In a day or two, he might get a clear picture of the dates. Simultaneously, the fresh schedule will kick off in Hyderabad.
Happening beauty Sree Leela, who is currently the busiest star of Tollywood, is playing one of the female leads in this film. She is shooting 5 films at a time. So, getting her dates has become a headache for Trivikram and his team. Also, Pooja Hegde is another leading lady in the film. Scenes featuring Mahesh, Pooja and Sree Leela will be shot in this schedule.
Guntur Kaaram is slated for release during the Sankranti season. SS Thaman is composing the tunes.
Guntur Kaaram: Trivikram struggling to adjust dates
Wednesday, January 22, 2025