Notwithstanding the ongoing rumours about Thaman getting replaced by another composer for Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film Guntur Kaaram, the music sessions have just begun. As per the latest reports, Trivikram and Thaman are on task to release the first single for Mahesh Babu’s birthday which falls on August 9th.
From the very beginning of Guntur Kaaram, Thaman has been under the scanner. There were rumours that he will be replaced because Mahesh is not happy with his work in Sarkaruvaari Paata. However, Thaman maintained that he is working on the tunes. Later, it was speculated that Hesham Abdul Wahab is under consideration to score the tunes and Thaman will be confined just to background score. But, it seems like Thaman is the sole composer for Guntur Kaaram.
Sources revealed that Trivikram and Thaman are going to finalize the tunes very soon. They will start music sessions and get the first single ready by August 9th. They will subsequently lock the entire album and release the songs one after another in the coming months.
Thaman is aiming to silence the critics with a chartbuster album. There will be five songs in Guntur Kaaram and it is going to be a pucca mass album in tune with the genre of the film.
Guntur Kaaram: Thaman and Trivikram on task
Wednesday, January 22, 2025