Amid a lot of rumours and speculations about Guntur Kaaram, Superstar Mahesh Babu has taken complete control of everything relating to its production as per our exclusive sources. As Trivikram Srinivas is a top-tier director and has a good understanding with Mahesh Babu and the production house, he was initially given free-hand to look after the project entirely. But, Mahesh is reportedly unhappy with the way Trivikram has handled the production till now which led to inordinate delay and haphazard progress.
It is believed that Mahesh Babu is the reason why Pooja Hegde was left out of the project. Also, he decided to elevate Sree Leela as the main female lead for this film. Moreover, he also wanted Thaman to be replaced. But, after assurance from Trivikram, Mahesh agreed to continue him as composer. Now, Trivikram will need the approval of Mahesh to finalize the second female lead. There are reports that Meenakshi Chowdhury and Faria Abdullah are the forerunners as replacement for Pooja Hegde. But, it will be decided only after getting a nod from the hero.
Mahesh has directed Trivikram to plan schedules in a way that the entire shooting will be wrapped up by November. He has decided to look after all aspects minutely without depending on Trivikram completely. The script has been revamped and the fresh schedule will commence shortly in Hyderabad.
As announced earlier, Guntur Kaaram is on track for release during the Sankranti season. Haarika and Hassine Creations banner is bankrolling this big-budget entertainer.
Guntur Kaaram: Mahesh Babu takes complete control
Wednesday, January 22, 2025