The first glimpse of Superstar Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film Guntur Kaaram that was unveiled on May 31st stormed social media platforms. The one minute high-octane glimpse packed with mass elements and hero-elevation episodes struck a chord with moviegoers and received a thunderous response from all quarters. Mahesh is presented in an ultra mass avatar while keeping his style quotient intact.
The glimpse created an all time record with 25 million views in YouTube in just 24 hours. It has toppled various existing records held by Pushpa 2, Bheemla Nayak, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, RRR etc. in terms of views by a long chalk. This staggering feat is a testament to the craze and hysteria the heady combination of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas is carrying among audiences. The solid response has now augmented the hype on the film. Though there is some backlash over the tagline and Mahesh Babu’s styling, the glimpse managed to find traction with all sections of moviegoers.
Guntur Kaaram is set in the backdrop of Guntur Mirchi Yard of Andhra Pradesh. The rustic entertainer stars Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela as female leads. The film is slated for release during the Sankranti season.
‘Guntur Kaaram’ glimpse creates an all time record
Wednesday, January 22, 2025