19-year-old Krithi Shetty turned the eyebrows of moviegoers with her delightful act in her debut film Uppena. Her glamourous screen presence and bold performance received a tremendous response from all quarters. She then sights on emerging as a top-league actress in Tollywood. She later gained prominence with films like Shyam Singh Roy and Banggaraju.
Besides possessing an impeccable acting mettle, Krithi Shetty has an alluring appearance that she can take pride in. Quite often, she tempts her followers with sizzling poses which makes everyone swoon for her. Recently, she posted a few pictures in which she was seen oozing a double dose of glamour with irresistible facial expressions.
Wearing a purple colour frock, the ‘Custody’ girl posed in different looks with a mesmerizing gaze in her eyes that have the power to hypnotize even a poised and nonchalant man. Her glossy lips make her looks more tantalizing. These pictures are currently going viral on social media platforms.
After scoring back-to-back debacles with Warrior and Custody, Krithi Shetty is desperate to get meaty offers in big-ticket films.
Glam Dose : Krithi Shetty in tempting poses
Wednesday, January 22, 2025