The much-awaited film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, has received a setback, as the HD print of the movie leaked online immediately after its grand Sankranti release. While this high-budget project, which had consumed years in conceptualisation and creation, became a hotbed for piracy, unauthorized copies quickly spread across Telegram and other illegal websites, affecting the release and viewing of the movie.
The production team of the film stated that the leak was carried out by a group of around 45 people. The group allegedly threatened the filmmakers through social media and WhatsApp, demanding a large sum of money to prevent the leak. Plot spoilers had already appeared online two days before the movie’s release, and soon after its premiere, the pirated HD print circulated widely, causing frustration among both fans and industry professionals.
In reply, the Game Changer team lodged a formal complaint with the Cyber Crime Police and presented evidence against those responsible for leaking the data. Currently, authorities are investigating the extent to which the group acted independently or received any kind of influence from external parties. Moreover, the filmmakers also highlighted that some social media accounts were releasing spoilers and unauthorized clips and negative word-of-mouth about the film. Complaints have been filed against these accounts, and the production house is considering further legal actions.
This piracy incident highlights the continuous struggle filmmakers and studios face in protecting their high-budget films from online theft. The production team expressed disappointment over the coordinated piracy efforts, which they believe undermined the movie’s impact and the audience’s viewing experience.
In fact, despite all this, Game Changer continues to attract attention due to its stunning visuals, star-studded cast, and Shankar’s distinct storytelling. Fans stand strong in hopes that justice is served and that the film’s legacy remains intact.