After RRR, Ram Charan teamed up with Shankar Shanmugam for a social drama titled Game Changer. The first look poster was unveiled long ago. Since then, there has been no update about this film, leaving Charan’s fans much disappointed.
Earlier, there were reports that the first single of Game Changer will be out for Dussehra. However, the plan has to be changed because of some technical reasons. It is now revealed that the team is ready to release the song for Diwali on November 12th. A peppy folk song has been readied by SS Thaman and it will be released in different languages on the same day.
Game Changer has been in the making for nearly two years. Yet, there is no clarity on when the film will hit the screens. Shankar has been simultaneously working on Game Changer and Indian 2. Hence, the shooting formalities got delayed.
At present, Shankar and Ram Charan are working tirelessly to complete the pending portions by early next year. The film is likely to hit the screens in the second half of 2024.
Kiara Advani and SJ Suryah are playing significant roles in this big-budget entertainer. Charan will be seen in dual roles.
Dil Raju is bankrolling the film on a massive scale.
‘Game Changer’ first single date locked
Wednesday, January 22, 2025