Tamil actor Vishal, who enjoys a significant fan base in Telugu, is set to release his highly anticipated film Madagaja Raja this Sankranti. The film, directed by Sundar, marks the actor’s return to the Telugu film market. However, his recent appearance at the pre-release event in Chennai left fans concerned about his health.
Vishal, known for his strong presence, appeared unrecognizable and struggled to walk during the event. His face showed noticeable changes, and he appeared to have lost a significant amount of weight. During his speech on stage, Vishal was visibly shaking, prompting fans to express their worries over his well-being.
In response to growing concerns, medical professionals have shared an update on the actor’s health, confirming that Vishal is suffering from a viral fever and is currently undergoing treatment. He is on complete bed rest as part of his recovery process. Fans are hopeful for his speedy recovery and are eager to see the actor return to his usual active self soon.