Kollywood director Vishnuvardhan, who made his debut in Telugu cinema with Panjaa starring Pawan Kalyan, is all set for the release of his latest romantic action thriller Premistava on January 30th. During a press meet held in connection with the film’s release, Vishnuvardhan was asked about the possibility of directing a sequel to Panjaa or a new project with Akira Nandan, Pawan Kalyan’s son.
The director responded by saying that he had no immediate plans and emphasized that timing plays a crucial role in such decisions. He recalled that Panjaa itself was not a pre-planned project and reiterated that he would definitely collaborate with Akira if the right opportunity arises.
On the topic of not having worked on another Telugu film since Panjaa, Vishnuvardhan shared, “As a director, I always aim to create unique and diverse stories. I don’t focus on the box office results. For instance, after directing Billa with Ajith, I could have helmed its remake, but I don’t like to stay in my comfort zone. I ventured into a new genre with Shershaah, which won a National Award. After Panjaa, I did receive proposals for Telugu films, but I was busy with other projects, including Bollywood commitments and the pandemic. However, if I don’t direct another Telugu film, my mother won’t let it slide,” he joked.
Premistava, starring Akash Murali and Aditi Shankar in the lead roles, marks Vishnuvardhan’s first foray into the romantic action thriller genre. The film, which was released recently in Tamil as Nesippaya, has received positive reviews.