Sai Dharam Tej made a solid comeback after his accident with Virupaksha, a mystical thriller helmed by Karthik Varma Dandu. The film received rave reviews from all quarters and emerged as a blockbuster at the box office in all territories. The association of ace filmmaker Sukumar and renowned producer BVSN Prasad gave strong publicity for this film. However, some differences arose between Sai Dharam Tej and the production house after the film’s release.
Reportedly, Sai Dharam Tej is disappointed with the producers for not giving him due credit for the film’s success. He is said to be not happy as they didn’t pay him any extra remuneration as per the agreement after the film emerged as a profitable venture. This seems to reason why Sai Dharam refused to act in the next outing of the same production house which is likely to have the same core team that worked for Virupaksha.
Sukumar Writings and BVSN Prasad have jointly announced a new project that will have Karthik Varma as the director. It is going to be a mythical thriller based on a fictional story with larger-than-life characters and grand production values.
As Sai refused to act in this new production, the makers are on the lookout for a new actor.
Differences between Sai Dharam Tej and ‘Virupaksha’ team
Wednesday, January 22, 2025