RRR actor NTR reunited with Tollywood top director Koratala Siva of ‘Janatha Garage’ fame for a big-budget entertainer which is titled Devara. The filming of this much-anticipated project is happening at a rapid pace and the makers have already wrapped up a couple of hectic schedules this Summer.
Recently, a high-octane action sequence featuring NTR and Saif Ali Khan has been completed. Interestingly, this particular episode is shot with extremely low light and shade using night effects. Ratnavelu, the film’s director of Photography, revealed that this is one of the most exciting sequences shot for the film using sophisticated camera equipment.
It is a known fact that renowned Hollywood technicians like Kenny Bates and Brad Minnich are working on this film and the makers are intended to deliver a visual extravaganza for the audience on April 5th, 2024. Reportedly, the film will be high on VFX effects as the story is set in the backdrop of coastal lands. So, Koratala and his team are leaving no stone unturned to make it a spectacle on the big screen.
Bollywood diva Janhvi Kapoor is the leading lady and Anirudh Ravichander is rendering the soundtrack.
Devara is going to be a visual spectacle
Wednesday, January 22, 2025