Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan has raised concerns over the complexities involved in retrieving unused funds from expired Amazon gift cards. In a statement shared on his social media account, Pawan Kalyan highlighted that while adding money to gift cards is seamless, recovering expired balances remains a significant challenge for users.
He pointed out that adding money to Amazon gift cards is a straightforward process that requires only credit/debit card details or UPI information. However, retrieving money from expired cards involves a lengthy and cumbersome procedure, forcing users to contact customer care, explain their situation, and complete a series of complicated steps.
“Why can’t the process of recovering funds from expired gift cards be simple and efficient? It would be better if the unused balance in gift cards is automatically transferred to the user’s primary account or the bank account linked to their Amazon account. This would save time and prevent users from losing their money,” he stated.
The Deputy Chief Minister further emphasized the need for e-commerce platforms to implement user-friendly, transparent, and fair policies. He expressed that such measures would boost consumer confidence in digital platforms and help resolve the ongoing concerns of millions of users.
Pawan Kalyan tagged Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the Reserve Bank of India in his post, urging them to address the issue. He called on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms to explore simpler methods for resolving this widespread problem and ensure a fair solution for users.