The induction of Jagtial MLA Sanjay Kumar has caused a rift within the Congress party, leading senior leader Jeevan Reddy to announce his decision to resign from his MLC post. On Tuesday, he stated that a decision to resign from the MLC position had been made. He expressed frustration, saying that what should have been handled without his involvement had already occurred. After resigning, he plans to visit various villages.
Jeevan Reddy emphasized that he would base his future decisions on public opinion. He clarified that he has not received any calls from other parties, including the BJP, and currently has no plans to switch parties. However, he mentioned that his actions will ultimately be guided by the people’s decision.
Reddy noted that Sridhar Babu and Congress state affairs in-charge Deepa Das Munshi had spoken to him from the party. He expressed disappointment over not receiving the respect he expected at this stage in his career, despite his long-standing loyalty and adherence to party decisions, even when it was personally disadvantageous.
Congress Leader Jeevan Reddy To Resign For MLC Post
Tuesday, January 21, 2025