Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has demanded explanations from Kavitha, who secured victory in Nizamabad during the 2014 elections. Speaking at a public gathering organized by the Congress at the old collectorate ground in Nizamabad, the Chief Minister strongly criticized BRS MLC Kavitha and local MP, BJP leader Dharmapuri Arvind, accusing them of deceiving the people of Nizamabad. He questioned Kavitha’s contributions to the constituency, highlighting that her neglect of local farmers led to her defeat.
In contrast, Dharmapuri Arvind’s claims regarding a spice board being a turmeric board were scrutinized by the farmers. He pledged to introduce turmeric board if the INDIA alliance secures victory. Furthermore, he assured the reopening of the Bodhan Sugar Factory by September 17, along with the waiver of Rs 2 lakh in farmer debts. Revanth Reddy emphasized that voting for Jeevan Reddy in the Nizamabad Lok Sabha elections equates to supporting him, and he holds the responsibility to fulfill the promises made to the electorate.
CM Revanth Reddy Shocking Comments on MLC Kavitha, Dharmapuri Arvind
Tuesday, January 28, 2025