Ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy took to Twitter to deliver a significant message to the people of the state. He expressed concern that the BJP government at the Centre intends to amend the Constitution, which was crafted by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar to safeguard the interests of the weaker sections of society. Revanth warned that winning 400 Lok Sabha seats in the upcoming general elections could jeopardize the existing reservations enshrined in the Constitution, including those for SC, ST, and BC communities.
Highlighting the BJP’s alleged agenda to eliminate reservations altogether, Revanth urged voters to rally for the protection of the Constitution and the continuation of reservations. He emphasized the importance of voting for development while ensuring the preservation of constitutional safeguards. The Chief Minister underscored the need to eradicate anarchy and called upon the 4 crore people of Telangana to reflect on their choices and cast their votes wisely. Revanth Reddy advocated for supporting the Congress party in the elections.
CM Revanth’s Message To Voters Ahead Of Lok Sabha Elections
Saturday, January 18, 2025