In Hyderabad, a political spat unfolded between Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) senior leader T Harish Rao, centered around the latter’s resignation challenge. Revanth Reddy questioned the legitimacy of Rao’s resignation letter, alleging that it did not adhere to the Assembly Speaker’s format, and ridiculed the poetic nature of its content. Revanth Reddy also accused Rao of opportunism, suggesting that his visits to the Martyrs Memorial were insincere gestures aimed at deceiving the public. Meanwhile, Revanth Reddy reiterated the Congress government’s commitment to waiving off crop loans by August 15, emphasizing farmers’ welfare as a top priority despite the significant financial implications for the state exchequer.
During a gathering with the Congress’ social media team ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Telangana, Revanth Reddy continued to challenge Rao, urging him to be prepared to resign. Revanth Reddy underscored the importance of prioritizing farmers’ needs, asserting that their well-being outweighs any financial considerations. He also criticized Rao’s involvement in various projects, including the Kaleshwaram project and alleged land encroachment around Hyderabad, insinuating substantial gains from these ventures. Revanth Reddy maintained that refraining from such activities would enable the government to allocate funds for loan waivers, highlighting his administration’s commitment to ethical governance and farmer welfare.
CM Revanth Reddy Accepts Harish Rao’s Challenge
Wednesday, January 22, 2025