Megastar Chiranjeevi has made a significant contribution to the Jana Sena party. Today, Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan received a Rs 5 crore cheque from Chiranjeevi. Currently engrossed in filming ‘Vishwambhara’ at Muchinthal, just outside Hyderabad, Chiranjeevi warmly welcomed his brothers Pawan Kalyan and Naga Babu to the shooting location. During this visit, amidst blessings and camaraderie, Chiranjeevi presented the cheque as a donation to the Jana Sena party. Touched by the gesture, Pawan Kalyan expressed his gratitude and saluted his elder brother.
The Konidela brothers shared a brief yet heartfelt conversation at the shooting spot. Notably, yesterday, Pawan Kalyan participated in the Varahi Vijayabheri Sabha in Anakapalli, where some of his statements deeply moved Chiranjeevi, prompting him to extend financial support to his younger brother the following day. Additionally, Chiranjeevi’s son, Ram Charan, has also decided to contribute financially to the Jana Sena party, further solidifying the family’s support for the cause.
Chiranjeevi Donates Rs 5 crores To Jana Sena Party
Wednesday, January 22, 2025