RRR actor and Mega Powerstar Ram Charan Tej and his wife Upasana Konidela were blessed with a baby girl last Tuesday in Hyderabad. The couple celebrated the cradle ceremony of the baby today ( June 30) at their residence in Hyderabad with their families.
Putting an end to all the speculations in the media, Charan’s father Megastar Chiranjeevi revealed that ‘Klin Kaara Konidela’ is the name of the baby. A delighted Chiru took to Twitter to announce the big news to all his followers.
Chiru’s Tweet read ‘Taken from the Lalitha Sahasranamam .. the name ‘Klin Kaara’ .. signifies a transformative purifying energy that brings about a spiritual awakening! All of us are sure the little one, the Little Princess will imbibe these qualities into her personality .. as she grows up.. Enchanted ! ?’
Chiru posted an adorable picture of Charan’s in-laws and his wife Surekha Konidela standing beside the baby in a cradle to reveal this news. He also posted a small video snippet that introduces the name of the little one with the blessings of Chenchu Tribe goddess Bhouramma Devi.
Charan – Upasana name their baby ‘Klin Kaara’
Saturday, January 18, 2025