Nara Lokesh, TDP National General Secretary and son of Chandrababu Naidu, has accused the previous Jagan Reddy government of tapping his phone using Pegasus spyware. Lokesh stated, “There is clear intelligence input indicating systematic destruction of evidence by the previous government. It’s well-known that our phone calls have been tapped. I publicly declare that my phone was attacked by Pegasus. I have proof that it was targeted twice.”
He further mentioned that N Chandrababu Naidu has requested the Director General (DG) to submit a report on whether Andhra Pradesh possesses Pegasus spyware and, if so, to provide full details of its usage. “There is ongoing destruction of evidence or wrongdoing,” Lokesh asserted.
Nara Lokesh Claims His Phone Tapped, Blames Jagan
Wednesday, January 22, 2025