The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has made slight adjustments to its previously announced candidate roster for the Andhra Pradesh assembly elections. Party leader Chandrababu Naidu has decided to replace candidates in five constituencies: Undi, Paderu, Madugula, Madakasira, and Venkatagiri. These seats have been assigned to newcomers instead of the previously announced candidates. Raghuramakrishna Raju will now contest from one constituency, while Giddi Easwari will represent Paderu. Bandaru Satyanarayana Murthy, MS Raju, and Kurugondla Ramakrishna have been allocated the Madugula, Madakasira, and Venkatagiri seats respectively. Chandrababu personally handed them the B forms in Amaravati along with the other candidates on Sunday.
Sitting MLA Mantena Ramaraju has been appointed as the president of the Narasapuram Parliamentary Party. Meanwhile, MP Thota SeetharamaLakshmi, who previously held this position, has been included in the party’s politburo. Former minister Bandaru Satyanarayana Murthy had hoped for the Pendurthi seat, but it was allotted to Jana Sena as part of an alliance. Instead, Bandaru has been given the Madugula seat. The Paderu ticket, initially earmarked for Venkata Ramesh Naidu, has been reassigned to former MLA Giddi Easwari. Sunil Kumar and Lakshmipriya, daughter of former MLA Kurugondla Ramakrishna, have been allocated the Madakasira and Venkatagiri constituencies respectively. Chandrababu has made these adjustments by replacing M S Raju and Ramakrishna with the new candidates.
Chandrababu Naidu changes 5 TDP MLA Candidates
Wednesday, January 22, 2025