Mythological grandeur ‘Adipurush’, starring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles, has completed the censor formalities this Thursday ahead of its massive release worldwide on June 16th. As per our exclusive reports, the censor board appreciated the modern tale of the epic Ramayana and congratulated the whole team for bringing the timeless saga with magnificent visuals. The source further added that the protracted runtime of 179 minutes is the only undoing aspect for the entire film as director Om Raut handled the narration, screenplay, and other important elements perfectly.
The censor board gave a Universal Certificate (U) for the film without any cuts. The makers are reportedly happy with the censor team’s feedback and are highly confident that the film will take a phenomenal opening in all territories because of the humongous buzz all over. After receiving flak from all quarters due to the poor quality teaser, Om Raut and his team postponed the film and reworked the output. Surprisingly, they came up with stunning trailers and visually appealing songs which saw a huge turnaround of hype in no time. Moreover, the aggressive promotional campaign helped the film garner solid buzz.
Adipurush is aiming for a record-breaking start at the box office. The sensational pre-release business numbers have sent the trade analysts into a tizzy. The film needs to perform exceedingly well in all major territories to put the buyers in a safe zone.
Censor Talk: ‘Adipurush’ gets good feedback
Wednesday, January 22, 2025