BRS leader RS Praveen Kumar raised concerns over the denying bail to Kavita when Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was granted bail, labeling it as unacceptable. Speaking to the media following a meeting with Kavitha in Tihar Jail, he emphasized the immense pressure she faces from the ED and CBI to disclose names of other political figures in the liquor policy case, which he deemed unethical, illegal, and unconstitutional. Despite the adversity, he commended Kavitha for her courage during her time in Tihar Jail.
Kavitha, in her bail application, asserted her innocence, distancing herself from the case and attributing her involvement to a political conspiracy by the ruling party. RS Praveen Kumar questioned the CBI’s invocation of Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act against her and highlighted similar unjust arrests of Hemant Soren, Manish Sisodia, and Arvind Kejriwal. He expressed bewilderment over the investigating agencies’ opposition to Kavitha’s bail, alleging political vendetta and condemning the BJP’s utilization of investigative bodies like the CBI and ED to stifle opposition voices.
He emphasized Kavitha’s lack of financial involvement in the case and challenged the notion of the liquor policy being a crime. RS Praveen Kumar defended the Delhi government’s liquor policy as a means to boost revenue, questioning the legitimacy of the allegations against Kavitha.
BRS Leader RS Praveen Meets Kavitha at Tihar Jail
Saturday, January 18, 2025