In Hyderabad, Raheel, also known as Sahel, the son of former Bodhan MLA Shakeel Aamir, was arrested at Shamshabad airport late on Sunday night. Following his arrest, he was presented before a Magistrate on Monday morning and subsequently remanded into custody. Raheel had been evading authorities since December 2023 when he crashed his BMW into a road divider near Praja Bhavan. He is currently facing charges related to reckless driving and impersonation.
After fleeing to Dubai, a lookout notice was issued against Raheel. The incident on December 23 involved a high-speed BMW, registered as TS 13 ET 0777, colliding with a traffic barricade opposite the CM camp office, resulting in significant damage to the barricade.
Initially, the driver of the car, Abdul Asif from Maharashtra, was named as the primary suspect and issued a notice. Despite initially admitting to the offense, Asif failed to respond to the notice under section 41(A) Cr.PC and subsequently absconded. Following extensive investigation and statements from the driver and their mutual acquaintances, Asif was apprehended based on reliable information and brought to the police station.
BRS EX MLA Shakeel’s Son Arrested At Samshabad Airport
Wednesday, January 22, 2025