Malayalam horror film ‘Bramayugam’ starring legendary actor Mammootty in the lead role has been receiving decent reviews after its release last Thursday, thanks to his awe-inspiring makeover and terrific performance. Though the box office numbers are moderate, the Rahul Sadasivan directional grabbed the attention of Tollywood moviegoers.
Now, the Telugu trailer is out as the dubbed version is set for release in AP and Telangana this 23rd. The two-and-a-half-minute trailer is raw and chilling with mildly spooky and eerie elements. Mammootty’s shocking transformation and his menacing mannerisms overwhelm the trailer which manages to keep the viewers on the edge with suspenseful and intriguing narration without giving much insight into the premise.
It seems like a game of dice is at the core of the story and the monochrome set-up adds more mystery to the narration. The gripping background score heightens the anticipation. Overall, the trailer has got enough baggage to generate adequate buzz for the film in other languages.
Renowned production house Sithara Entertainment banner has brought the Telugu rights. The openings for the Telugu version are likely to be promising.
‘Bramayugam’ Telugu Trailer : Raw and Chilling
Wednesday, January 22, 2025