Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha starrer Kushi took an impressive opening at the box office this Friday. The Shiva Nirvana directional posted strong numbers on the first day. But, it will need a solid first weekend followed by a decent hold on weekdays to ensure that all buyers are in the safe zone. In USA, the film is likely to enter the profit zone by Monday because of its terrific run there.
Going by reliable sources, Kushi took a bumper start in Naizam territory with 8 Crores gross. In USA, the film punched out $ 800K on its opening day which translates to 6 Crores gross. In Andhra Pradesh and Ceeded, the film underperformed with a combined gross of 10 Crore. In all remaining territories, the film grossed 2-2.5 Crores gross.
Overall, Kushi grossed in the range of 25-27 Crores which is a good start. Among second-tier heroes, this is the second biggest opening after Nani’s Dasara. The bookings for Saturday and Sunday and promising and the film will require to perform exceedingly well to touch the break-even mark.
The worldwide theatrical business of Kushi is approximately 50 Crores. On the first day, it recouped a total of 15 Crore share which is close to 30 percent of its investment.
Vijay Devarakonda’s commendable performance as Viplav and Samantha’s emotional acting worked in favour of the film despite its familiar touch. Hesham Abdul Wahab rendered good support with his blockbuster album.
Box office: Kushi takes a big start, needs a strong weekend
Wednesday, January 22, 2025