The much-awaited period drama, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan, is going great guns under the direction of Jyothi Krishna. The grand scale and historical backdrop are already generating great excitement, promising a blend of action, drama, and intense emotional moments that will captivate audiences.
The makers have dropped the first look of the film in a bid to celebrate the birthday of the Bollywood actor, Bobby Deol. In it, Bobby Deol plays the ruthless Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. His rugged, sword-slinging posture in the just-released poster is giving a big rise to expectation. Fans are keenly waiting to see the scintillating clash between Deol’s menacing character and the heroic role Pawan Kalyan is enacting, increasing the excitement in the epic movie.
Along with Pawan Kalyan, Nidhi Agerwal is the female lead starring in Hari Hara Veera Mallu with a lot of talent and glamour as this epic of history goes into the story, which features supporting cast to go with that all-star hero’s starry array of a galaxy, consisting of Nora Fatehi, Nasser, Sunil, Raghu Babu, Subbaraju, among many others.
The music composed by the stalwart Keeravani will play an important part in the film: it is intended to heighten emotional intensity, and action-pumping moments throughout, making music a part and parcel of its appeal.
Produced by Dayakar Rao, under the banner of Mega Surya Productions, Hari Hara Veera Mallu will finally hit screens around the globe on March 28, 2025. Featuring extensive storytelling, stunning performances, and excellent visuals, it is well likely to be one of the most considerable Tollywood films of this year.
With the release date drawing near, the film is gaining buzz. The film will be a treat as it will be an action battle between Pawan Kalyan and Bobby Deol, and there would be immense eagerness to know more about the same. Hari Hara Veera Mallu is on its way to be one of the historical landmarks for the future of Tollywood and the excitement behind this film is only building up.