In yet another controversial statement, senior BJP leader and party candidate from Kalkaji Ramesh Bidhuri allegedly said that after he wins the assembly election in Delhi next month, he will develop smooth roads in the constituency like Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi’s “cheeks.”
The Congress has demanded a public apology from Bidhuri for insulting women. “I assure you that just as we made the roads in Okhla and Sangam Vihar, we will make all the roads in Kalkaji like Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks,” Bidhuri is heard saying in a video, which went viral on social media.
Reacting to the remarks, Kalkaji Congress candidate and Mahila Congress president Alka Lamba hit out at Bidhuri and accused him of “insulting” women once again in his “usual indecent language.” The Mahila Congress workers led by Lamba also torched an effigy of Bidhuri over his alleged statement against Gandhi.
Taking to X, the Congress leader and Bidhuris’ rival candidate said, “Will the public in Kalkaji have such (a person) who cares neither for the dignity of the House (Parliament) nor respects the women?”
She demanded Bidhuri to tender a public apology for his statement. She also asked the senior BJP leaders to clear their stand on the issue. Against Bidhuri’s alleged remarks against Gandhi, the Mahila Congress workers led by Lamba also torched an effigy of Bidhuri.
Following Congress criticism, Delhi CM Atishi said, ” BJP is anti-women, it is an open secret and it is a matter of concern that this same BJP is in charge of Delhi’s law and order. Ramesh Bidhuri’s statement shows the mentality of the BJP”.
“If a BJP leader who was an MP and is the party’s candidate for Delhi Election 2025, can make such a statement, then how will BJP provide safety to the people of Delhi?…women of Delhi will give a befitting reply to Ramesh Bidhuri’s statement and BJP in the upcoming election”, she added.
Seeing the controversy escalating, Bidhuri apologised in front of the camera and said that he was drawing reference from Lalu Yadav’s earlier remarks and had no intention to hurt anyone’s feelings.