Nandamuri Balakrishna bagged the career biggest grosser with director Gopichand Malineni’s action entertainer ‘Veera Simha Reddy’ which was released for Sankranti this year. Despite its mediocre content and facing stiff competition from Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya, the film secured good revenues because of the festival season and ended up as a decent hit from the trade’s perspective.
Now, Balakrishna is targeting the second biggest festival season of the year. His upcoming film Bhagavanth Kesari is getting ready for release during Dussehra on October 19th. The Anil Ravipudi directional has been generating a strong buzz because of the heady combination. The power-packed teaser has hinted that Bhagavanth Kesari is going to be a full-on mass feast with a good dose of emotions. Anil Ravipudi is known for dishing wholesome entertainers with all ingredients. He is going to present Balayya in a never-before-seen avatar.
As a lot of buzz is riding on the film, the pre-release business in all territories is very impressive. The theatrical rights in the Telugu States fetched more than 60 Crores for the makers. Including overseas and other states’ rights, Bhagavanth Kesari will do business in the range of 75-80 Crores Worldwide with its theatricals alone.
So, the film will need to collect more than 85 Crores to emerge as a profitable venture for all parties involved. Balakrishna has no film in the prestigious 100 Crore club. Chiranjeevi is the only senior hero who got three films in the elite club. Now, Balakrishna has a strong chance to enter this club with Bhagavanth Kesari. It is likely to take a strong opening because of the high expectations.
The presence of happening beauty Sree Leela in the role of Balakrishna’s daughter and Kajal Aggarwal as the female lead is another reason why the film grabbed the attention of moviegoers. SS Thaman is rendering the soundtrack.
Bhagavanth Kesari: Balakrishna targeting 100 Crores this time
Wednesday, January 22, 2025