Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan’s recent remarks about Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy have sparked a strong reaction from Union Minister and BJP leader Bandi Sanjay. During a media interaction after meeting Tollywood producer Dil Raju, Pawan Kalyan praised Revanth but also questioned the qualities that truly define his leadership. These comments quickly gained traction, becoming a hot topic of discussion.
Pawan Kalyan also touched on the Sandhya Theater incident, stating that Allu Arjun should have visited the bereaved family right after the incident rather than allowing tensions to escalate. He acknowledged Revanth’s contributions to the film industry but emphasized that empathy is crucial in such situations. Pawan expressed disappointment that neither Allu Arjun nor his team offered condolences, and he also pointed out that Revanth did not address his name in the matter, further criticizing the actor’s arrest.
He continued stating that if Revanth would have been in Allu Arjun’s position then he would have suffered for the same, and there is no one greater than the law.
He made a counter to Pawan by saying that Bandi Sanjay, while going to Karimnagar said he was questioning Pawan’s leadership and his failure in his deliverables. “I am not sure what Pawan Kalyan has stated, but if indeed he’s a great leader then why isn’t there proof? He hasn’t fulfilled any of his promises, including the six guarantees. Crime rates are on the rise, and people are beginning to question his ability to lead,” Sanjay remarked. He further added that if Revanth Reddy was considered great, Pawan Kalyan should reflect on the reasons behind that perception.