Andhra Pradesh irrigation minister Ambati Rambabu has been going hammer and tongs in criticizing actor and Janasena supremo Pawan Kalyan. Quite shockingly, Rambabu stooped so low and addressed the presser earlier today only to lash out at Pawan Kalyan by mocking his latest release Bro which hit the screens last Friday.
It is quite surprising that Rambabu went to the extent of talking about collections of Bro and discussed about the film as if he was a movie critic. Also, he issued a stern warning to filmmakers, directors and artists of Tollywood that they will need to face serious consequences if they try to ridicule politicians. Surprisingly, Ambati singled out Trivikram Srinivas for his scathing dialogues and warned of dire consequences. It is a known fact that Trivikram, a close aid of Pawan, penned the dialogues for this film.
Ambati seems to be irked by ‘Shyam Babu’ character in Bro as it appeared to have a close resemblance to him. Using this character, Trivikram tried to attack the ruling dispensation in Andhra Pradesh. This has hurt YCP supporters to the core.
Ambati challenged them to come up with a full-fledged satirical film on politics if they want to belittle politicians. He also slammed the writer saying that instead of Shyam Babu, they could have named the character as Rambabu if they have guts.
Ambati’s remarks are now going viral on social media.
AP Minister issues a stern warning to Trivikram
Wednesday, January 22, 2025