On Saturday morning, CRDA officials demolished the YSRCP headquarters in Tadepalli, Amaravati, citing violations of rules and regulations. YSRCP senior leader and former minister Ambati Rambabu reacted to the demolition on the platform formerly known as Twitter.
“Is Chandranna a democrat who prioritizes demolishing the YSRCP office over implementing Super 6? A destroyer..?” he tweeted, adding, “This is not democracy, it is destruction.” His tweet included a video showing bulldozers demolishing the structure in Tadepalli.
Meanwhile, TDP leaders are drawing comparisons to the demolition of Praja Vedika. They questioned the YSRCP leaders’ reactions, asking why they protested when Praja Vedika was demolished but are now complaining about the YSRCP office’s demolition.
Ambati Rambabu Reacts On YSRCP Party Office’s Demolition
Tuesday, January 21, 2025