Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh: Minister and YSR Congress Party leader Ambati Rambabu finds himself amidst startling accusations from his own son-in-law, Dr. Gautham. Dr. Gautham has taken to social media, urging the public not to support his father-in-law in the upcoming elections. This appeal was echoed by the reposting of Dr. Gautham’s video message on the TDP’s Twitter account.
In the video, Dr. Gautham introduces himself and expresses his regret in being associated with Minister Ambati Rambabu. After much deliberation, he felt compelled to speak out. Dr. Gautham describes Minister Rambabu in harsh terms, citing his lack of moral character and integrity. He stresses the importance of electing leaders with values and responsibility, qualities he believes Rambabu sorely lacks. Dr. Gautham emphasizes the societal implications of supporting such individuals, urging voters to make informed and conscientious choices for the betterment of society.
Don’t Vote for My Father-in-law: Ambati Rambabu’s Son-in-law
Wednesday, January 22, 2025