Film actress and BJP leader Madhavi Latha has been continuing her fight against TDP leader and Tadipatri Municipal Chairman JC Prabhakar Reddy, protesting against his recent absence comments and now complained to Cyberabad Police against him. Though Prabhakar Reddy has tendered apology for his `foul language’ to her, she has already complained to Tadipatri police, Human Rights Commission and MAA.
Madhavi Latha met the Cyberabad Police Commissioner on Tuesday and filed a written complaint demanding action against JC Prabhakar Reddy, who made obscene comments against her. Speaking on the occasion, she said that she and her family were deeply hurt by Prabhakar Reddy’s offensive words. She made it clear that apology is not enough.
She wondered how senior leaders in the public sphere can speak such language? She said that she was very embarrassed by JC Prabhakar Reddy’s words. She expressed her impatience also. On the other hand, Madhavi Latha also filed a complaint against JC Prabhakar Reddy in the Film Chamber. She submitted the complaint to our MAA treasurer Shiva Balaji.
She posted on social media that she would fight for justice. She deplored that JC Prabhakar Reddy had made very harsh comments against her. She expressed concern that the film industry did not condemn the comments made against her. That is why, she said that she also complained to ‘MAA’.
She said that she had also brought her complaint to the attention of MAA president Manchu Vishnu. She said that even if she spoke harshly, she would speak the truth. Madhavi Latha said that everyone insults film people, but film people are showing their power by entering politics. She stated that it is not right to make accusations against film people by attacking their personalities.
It may be recalled that JC Prabhakar Reddy organized a special program at JC Park in Tadipatri on December 31, saying it was ‘for women only’, to celebrate the New Year. Madhavi Latha lamented stating that she should not go to such celebrations, and who would protect her if something happened at midnight on the return journey.
With this, JC Prabhakar Reddy and his followers criticized her severely, making indecent comments on her. On the other hand, JC Prabhakar Reddy also made inappropriate comments on BJP, RSS and VHP. However, after receiving criticism from all sides, JC Prabhakar Reddy apologized to Madhavi Latha.