Actress Hema has been questioned by the police in connection with the Bengaluru rave party case. The Bengaluru CCB police issued notices to 86 individuals initially found to have consumed drugs at a rave party. These individuals, including Hema, were asked to appear at the CCB office in Bengaluru on Monday, May 27. However, Hema did not attend.
In a letter to the Bengaluru police, Hema explained that she is currently suffering from viral fever and requested additional time to attend the hearing. Despite her request, the CCB reportedly declined her plea. The police are expected to send another notice to Hema, asking her to come in for questioning.
This case began when the police disrupted a rave party at GR’s farmhouse in Bengaluru on May 19. A total of 103 people were taken into custody during the raid, and all underwent blood tests. Among them, 86 individuals, including actress Hema, were found to have consumed drugs, leading to the issuance of notices for their interrogation.
Actress Hema Not Attended Poilce Enquiry Over Rave Party
Wednesday, January 22, 2025